Steps to achieving big financial goals

The Hidden Costs of Being Broke

JP AttueyiSep 9, 20244 min read

We often think of being broke as just having no money. No one talks about the hidden costs of being broke. But the reality is far more complex—and costly. What if I told you that being broke actually costs more than being financially stable? It sounds counterintuitive, but it’s true. Let me show you why. 1. The Cost of Emergencies When you’re living paycheck to… Read More

wealth creation

The One Skill You Need to Get Rich

JP AttueyiSep 8, 20244 min read

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have a knack for building wealth while others struggle endlessly? The truth is, it’s not just luck or having a high-paying job. So what is the one skill you need to…

avoid get-rich-quick schemes

The Truth About Luxury: It’s Not What You Think

JP AttueyiSep 7, 20244 min read

Luxury. It’s that shiny car, that designer bag, the penthouse with a view. That’s what we’ve been told, right? Society paints a picture of luxury as something we can touch and flaunt—something that costs an arm and a leg. But…

Why Most People Never Get Rich

Why Most People Never Get Rich

JP AttueyiSep 6, 20245 min read

We’ve all seen those stories. The ones where someone suddenly becomes wealthy and seems to have cracked the code to financial freedom. But for most people, the reality is very different. Why is it that so many people struggle financially…

watch your money grow with compound interest

The Power of Compound Interest: Your Best Friend

JP AttueyiSep 5, 20244 min read

Imagine you plant a small seed in your garden. You water it, give it sunlight, and with time, that seed grows into a tree. Then, that tree starts producing more seeds, which grow into even more trees. Before you know…